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Rapid homologue juxtaposition during meiotic chromosome pairing
Nature ( IF 50.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-10-02 , DOI: 10.1038/s41586-024-07999-5
Tadasu Nozaki, Beth Weiner, Nancy Kleckner

A central feature of meiosis is the pairing of homologous maternal and paternal chromosomes (‘homologues’) along their lengths1,2,3. Recognition between homologues and their juxtaposition in space is mediated by axis-associated recombination complexes. Also, pairing must occur without entanglements among unrelated chromosomes. Here we examine homologue juxtaposition in real time by four-dimensional fluorescence imaging of tagged chromosomal loci at high spatio-temporal resolution in budding yeast. We discover that corresponding loci come together from a substantial distance (1.8 µm) and complete pairing in a very short time, about 6 min (thus, rapid homologue juxtaposition or RHJ). Homologue loci first move rapidly together (in 30 s, at speeds of roughly 60 nm s−1) into an intermediate stage corresponding to canonical 400 nm axis coalignment. After a short pause, crossover/non-crossover differentiation (crossover interference) mediates a second short, rapid transition that ultimately gives close pairing of axes at 100 nm by means of synaptonemal complex formation. Furthermore, RHJ (1) occurs after chromosomes acquire prophase chromosome organization, (2) is nearly synchronous over thirds of chromosome lengths, but (3) is asynchronous throughout the genome. Finally, cytoskeleton-mediated movement is important for the timing and distance of RHJ onset and for ensuring its normal progression. General implications for local and global aspects of pairing are discussed.
