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Pregnancy, overweight, and obesity: time to invest in preventive strategies
The Lancet Public Health ( IF 25.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-10-02 , DOI: 10.1016/s2468-2667(24)00213-5
Anna Akselsson

Overweight and obesity are important public health issues and contribute to an increased risk of several diseases, negatively affect reproduction, and decrease quality of life. According to WHO, 43% of adults worldwide are overweight and 16% have obesity. Obesity is a contributing factor to infertility and being overweight increases risks during pregnancy for the mother and the child.1 Furthermore, overweight and obesity are the most modifiable risk factors for stillbirth in high-income countries.2 An estimated 46% of all pregnant people who register in antenatal care in Sweden are overweight, which means that their pregnancy is classified as at risk.3



超重和肥胖是重要的公共卫生问题,会增加多种疾病的风险,对生殖产生负面影响,并降低生活质量。据世界卫生组织称,全球 43% 的成年人超重,16% 患有肥胖症。肥胖是导致不孕的一个因素,超重会增加母亲和孩子怀孕期间的风险。 1此外,超重和肥胖是高收入国家死产最可改变的风险因素。 2据估计,在瑞典进行产前保健登记的所有孕妇中,有 46% 的人体重超重,这意味着她们的怀孕风险较高。 3