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No man’s hand: artificial intelligence does not improve police report writing speed
Journal of Experimental Criminology ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-10-02 , DOI: 10.1007/s11292-024-09644-7
Ian T. Adams, Matt Barter, Kyle McLean, Hunter M. Boehme, Irick A. Geary


This study examines the potential of artificial intelligence (AI) to reduce the time police officers spend writing reports, a task that consumes a significant portion of their workday.


In a pre-registered randomized controlled trial, we test this claim within the patrol division of a medium-sized police department (n = 85) at the individual report level (n = 755). Analyses utilize mixed-effects regression accounting for the nested structure of report-writing.


AI assistance did not significantly affect the duration of writing police reports. Alternative specifications beyond those specified in the pre-registration, including a difference-in-differences approach observing report duration over a full year (n = 6084), confirm the null findings are robust.


Our findings contradict marketing expectations for the effect of this technology, suggesting no time savings in report-writing can be expected when using AI-assisted report-writing. Several other potential effects remain possible and untested.




本研究考察了人工智能 (AI) 在减少警察撰写报告时间方面的潜力,这项任务占用了他们工作日的很大一部分时间。


在一项预先注册的随机对照试验中,我们在一个中型警察局 (n = 85) 的巡逻部门中在个人报告级别 (n = 755) 测试了这一说法。分析利用混合效应回归解释报告编写的嵌套结构。


AI 协助并没有显着影响撰写警方报告的持续时间。除预注册中指定的规格外的替代规格,包括观察一整年报告持续时间的双重差分方法 (n = 6084),证实了空调查结果是稳健的。


我们的研究结果与市场对这项技术效果的预期相矛盾,这表明使用 AI 辅助报告撰写时,可以预期不会节省报告编写时间。其他几种潜在影响仍然是可能的,但尚未经过测试。
