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Border Interceptions Reveal Variable Bridgehead Use in the Global Dispersal of Insects
Global Ecology and Biogeography ( IF 6.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-10-01 , DOI: 10.1111/geb.13924
Thom Worm, Ariel Saffer, Yu Takeuchi, Chelsey Walden-Schreiner, Chris Jones, Ross Meentemeyer

The global, human-mediated dispersal of invasive insects is a major driver of ecosystem change, biodiversity loss, crop damage and other effects. Trade flows and invasive species propagule pressure are correlated, and their relationship is essential for predicting and managing future invasions. Invaders do not disperse exclusively from the species' native range. Instead, the bridgehead effect, where established, non-native populations act as secondary sources of propagule, is recognised as a major driver of global invasion. The resulting pattern of global spread arises from a mixture of global interactions between invasive species, their vectors and, their invaded ranges, which has yet to be fully characterised.


