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Rapid Acidification of the Arctic Chukchi Sea Waters Driven by Anthropogenic Forcing and Biological Carbon Recycling
Geophysical Research Letters ( IF 4.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-10-01 , DOI: 10.1029/2024gl109986
Di Qi, Yingxu Wu, Liqi Chen, Wei-Jun Cai, Shujie Yu, Zhangxian Ouyang, Yixing Zhang, Leif G. Anderson, Richard A. Feely, Yanpei Zhuang, Hongmei Lin, Ruibo Lei, Haibo Bi

The acidification of coastal waters is distinguished from the open ocean because of much stronger synergistic effects between anthropogenic forcing and local biogeochemical processes. However, ocean acidification research is still rather limited in polar coastal oceans. Here, we present a 16 year (2002–2018) observational dataset in the Chukchi Sea during the rapid sea-ice melting season to determine the long-term changes in pH and aragonite saturation state (Ωarag). We found that pH and Ωarag significantly declined in the water column with average rates of −0.0095 ± 0.0027 years−1 and −0.0333 ± 0.0098 years−1, respectively, and are 4–6 times faster than those solely due to increasing atmospheric CO2. We attributed the rapid acidification to the increased dissolved inorganic carbon owing to a combination of ice melt-induced increased atmospheric CO2 invasion and subsurface remineralization induced by a stronger surface biological production as a result of the increased inflow of the nutrient-rich Pacific water.