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Cryptanalysis on “NTRU+: Compact Construction of NTRU Using Simple Encoding Method”
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security ( IF 6.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-09-30 , DOI: 10.1109/tifs.2024.3471074
Joohee Lee, Hansol Ryu, Minju Lee, Jaehui Park

In IEEE TIFS 2023, NTRU+ has been proposed, an efficient lattice-based post-quantum Key Encapsulation Mechanism (KEM), which has also been submitted to the KpqC competition. In this paper, we propose an effective classical chosen ciphertext attack to recover the transmitted session key for NTRU+ with all but negligible probability for the first time. With the proposed attacks, we show that all the suggested parameters of NTRU+ do not satisfy the claimed IND-CCA security. Moreover, we elaborate on some flaws in the security proof, a part of which introduces our attack. We also suggest a way to modify the NTRU+ scheme to defend our attack while maintaining its practical performance.


“NTRU+:使用简单编码方法的 NTRU 的紧凑构造”的密码分析

在 IEEE TIFS 2023 中,提出了 NTRU+,这是一种高效的基于晶格的后量子密钥封装机制 (KEM),该机制也已提交给 KpqC 竞赛。在本文中,我们提出了一种有效的经典选择密文攻击,以首次以几乎可以忽略不计的概率恢复 NTRU+ 传输的会话密钥。通过提出的攻击,我们表明 NTRU+ 的所有建议参数都不满足声称的 IND-CCA 安全性。此外,我们详细说明了安全证明中的一些缺陷,其中一部分介绍了我们的攻击。我们还提出了一种方法来修改 NTRU+ 方案,以保护我们的攻击,同时保持其实际性能。