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Journal of Personality
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Interpersonal Perception of Adult Playfulness at Zero‐Acquaintance: A Conceptual Replication Study of Self‐Other Agreement and Consensus, and an Extension to Two Accuracy Criteria
Journal of Personality ( IF 3.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-09-30 , DOI: 10.1111/jopy.12978 Kay Brauer, René T. Proyer
Journal of Personality ( IF 3.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-09-30 , DOI: 10.1111/jopy.12978 Kay Brauer, René T. Proyer
ObjectiveWe replicated and extended previous research examining the accuracy of judgments of four facets of adult playfulness (Other‐directed, Lighthearted, Intellectual, and Whimsical; OLIW) at zero‐acquaintance.MethodWe conducted a conceptual replication study. One hundred sixty targets provided self‐ratings for the OLIW facets, textual self‐descriptions (≤ five sentences), daily self‐ratings of playfulness for 14 consecutive days, and ratings by knowledgeable others. Six unacquainted judges provided rated targets' playfulness based on their self‐descriptions. We replicated findings on trait‐wise self‐other agreement (SOA) and consensus and extended prior research by testing SOA for profiles of the four facets and two distinct accuracy criteria (i.e., targets' diary data and aggregates of targets' self‐reports and those from knowledgeable others).ResultsAll interpersonal perception indicators showed that facets of playfulness can be perceived above chance (SOA ≥ 0.26; consensus ≥ 0.29, accuracies ≥ 0.16). SOA extends from single facets to profiles, also when controlling for stereotype effects.ConclusionsPlayfulness can be accurately observed from minimal textual information at zero acquaintance. Our study highlights the robustness of findings on the interpersonal perception of playfulness across samples and methods, and degrees of acquaintanceship. We discuss implications for playfulness in social relationships.
目的我们重复并扩展了之前的研究,检验了零熟悉度下成人玩耍的四个方面(其他导向、轻松、智力和异想天开;OLIW)判断的准确性。方法我们进行了概念复制研究。一百六十个目标提供了 OLIW 方面的自我评分、文字自我描述(≤ 5 句话)、连续 14 天的每日玩乐自我评分以及知识渊博的其他人的评分。六名互不相识的评委根据目标的自我描述,对他们的好玩程度进行了评分。我们复制了关于特质方面的自我他人一致性(SOA)和共识的发现,并通过测试 SOA 的四个方面和两个不同的准确性标准(即目标的日记数据和目标自我报告的汇总)来扩展先前的研究。结果所有人际感知指标都表明,玩耍的各个方面可以被感知到高于偶然(SOA ≥ 0.26;共识 ≥ 0.29,准确度 ≥ 0.16)。 SOA 从单一方面扩展到配置文件,在控制刻板印象效应时也是如此。结论可以在零熟悉的情况下从最少的文本信息准确地观察到趣味性。我们的研究强调了关于跨样本和方法以及熟悉程度的人际娱乐感知的稳健性。我们讨论社交关系中玩耍的含义。

目的我们重复并扩展了之前的研究,检验了零熟悉度下成人玩耍的四个方面(其他导向、轻松、智力和异想天开;OLIW)判断的准确性。方法我们进行了概念复制研究。一百六十个目标提供了 OLIW 方面的自我评分、文字自我描述(≤ 5 句话)、连续 14 天的每日玩乐自我评分以及知识渊博的其他人的评分。六名互不相识的评委根据目标的自我描述,对他们的好玩程度进行了评分。我们复制了关于特质方面的自我他人一致性(SOA)和共识的发现,并通过测试 SOA 的四个方面和两个不同的准确性标准(即目标的日记数据和目标自我报告的汇总)来扩展先前的研究。结果所有人际感知指标都表明,玩耍的各个方面可以被感知到高于偶然(SOA ≥ 0.26;共识 ≥ 0.29,准确度 ≥ 0.16)。 SOA 从单一方面扩展到配置文件,在控制刻板印象效应时也是如此。结论可以在零熟悉的情况下从最少的文本信息准确地观察到趣味性。我们的研究强调了关于跨样本和方法以及熟悉程度的人际娱乐感知的稳健性。我们讨论社交关系中玩耍的含义。