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Self-Regulated Learning Interventions for Pre-service Teachers: a Systematic Review
Educational Psychology Review ( IF 10.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-09-30 , DOI: 10.1007/s10648-024-09919-5
Alazne Fernández Ortube, Ernesto Panadero, Charlotte Dignath

Self-regulated learning (SRL) is a key competence for pre-service teachers to develop, both for their own activities as learners and for their future activities as teachers. Therefore, it is crucial to understand how pre-service teachers can be supported in acquiring SRL competence in their initial training. To reach this aim, we conducted a systematic review of SRL interventions for pre-service teachers. Sixty-six intervention studies fulfilled the inclusion criteria. We explored three aspects of those SRL interventions, and how they moderate the interventions’ effectiveness: (1) the theoretical and practical underpinnings of SRL, (2) whether the intervention aimed to promote SRL learning and/or teaching of SRL, and (3) the intervention’s pedagogical characteristics and content related to the SRL professional competences. We found that the most effective SRL interventions (1) focused the training on one or two SRL areas (especially cognition and metacognition); (2) when targeted both, SRL learning and teaching of SRL, pre-service teachers’ SRL skills improved as well as their pedagogical skills; and (3) addressed direct and implicit SRL instruction, inside which self-assessment of learning and teaching practices appear as an effective pedagogical method. We derive implications from our findings for designing effective SRL interventions for prospective teachers.



自我调节学习(SRL)是职前教师需要培养的一项关键能力,无论是为了他们自己作为学习者的活动还是为了他们未来作为教师的活动。因此,了解如何支持职前教师在初始培训中获得 SRL 能力至关重要。为了实现这一目标,我们对职前教师的 SRL 干预措施进行了系统审查。 66 项干预研究符合纳入标准。我们探讨了这些 SRL 干预措施的三个方面,以及它们如何调节干预措施的有效性:(1)SRL 的理论和实践基础,(2)干预措施是否旨在促进 SRL 学习和/或 SRL 教学,以及(3) ) 干预措施的教学特点和与 SRL 专业能力相关的内容。我们发现最有效的SRL干预措施(1)将培训集中于一两个SRL领域(尤其是认知和元认知); (2)当有针对性地进行SRL学习和SRL教学时,职前教师的SRL技能以及他们的教学技能都得到了提高; (3) 解决直接和隐性的 SRL 教学,其中学习和教学实践的自我评估似乎是一种有效的教学方法。我们从研究结果中得出结论,为未来的教师设计有效的 SRL 干预措施。
