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Cliff Notching Due To Swash Abrasion: Insights From Physical Experiments
Geophysical Research Letters ( IF 4.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-09-28 , DOI: 10.1029/2024gl112175
Yaxiong Shen, Colin N. Whittaker, Mark E. Dickson

Notch development at the base of sea cliffs is an important control on cliff recession rates, but a detailed mechanistic understanding of notch formation by swash abrasion is lacking. We conducted physical experiments, using homogeneous erodible rock simulants, to study notch-forming mechanisms under periodic sediment-laden bore impacts. Our findings reveal shifts in the temporal dynamics of notch development. Initially, swash uprush and vortex formation contribute to a positive feedback loop that creates a shallow and wide notch. Subsequently, upward erosion ceases, and notch backwear and downwear are dominated by the vortex. Eventually, sediment deposition armors the notch floor; this negative feedback loop reduces erosion. The sediment size determines the amount of erosion, with a range of grain sizes generating maximum erosion. This indicates a dependence on the momentum of the sediment particles entrained within the bore. This research reveals fundamental notch formation mechanisms driven by swash abrasion.


