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Study on the characteristics of urban background ozone pollution based on long-term observations from mountain sites in China during 2015–2022
Atmospheric Research ( IF 4.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-09-18 , DOI: 10.1016/j.atmosres.2024.107696
Wei Zhao, Bo Gao, Junjun Deng, Jiaren Sun, Laiguo Chen, Shaojia Fan

In recent years, Chinese cities have faced persistent O3 pollution challenges. O3 concentrations at urban mountain sites, serving as proxies for urban background O3 levels, can help address data gaps in O3 research in China. This study, for the first time, analyzed O3 data from ten urban mountain sites during 2015–2022 using statistical methods like the Mann-Kendall test, Theil-Sen slope estimation, and Pearson correlation analysis to reveal characteristics and trends in urban background O3 and proposed a metric for assessing mountain sites as urban background stations. Results indicate that O3 at mountain sites were generally higher than at plain sites, regardless of mean, 10th percentile, or 90th percentile the average maximum daily 8-h average (MDA8) O3. Although mountain sites exhibited similar annual and diurnal variations as plain sites, their amplitudes were significantly lower. Significant upward trends (P < 0.05) in MDA8 O3 were observed mainly at plain sites, whereas trends at mountain sites were insignificant (P > 0.05) during 2015–2022. The increase in urban ground-level O3 was largely due to changes in VOCs and NOx emission structures, which reduce nighttime titration effects while enhancing daytime O3 production. The insignificant trends observed at mountain sites suggest that these mountain sites may be in NOx-limited or transitional regimes rather than VOCs-limited regimes, which is also associated with their lower NOx concentrations compared to plain sites. These findings suggest that if China continues to prioritize the reduction of NOx emissions, urban ground-level O3 could further increase and approach the O3 at mountain sites. Finally, this study proposes that the correlation in nighttime O3 concentrations between mountain and plain stations can serve as a valuable indicator for evaluating the suitability of mountain stations as regional background stations in urban areas. It recommends mountain sites in cities such as Changji, Nanping for urban background O3 monitoring stations.