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Improved partitioning between matrix and macropore flow: Novel bimodal lognormal functions for water retention and hydraulic conductivity in pumice and non-pumice soils
Journal of Hydrology ( IF 5.9 ) Pub Date : 2024-09-22 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2024.131985
J.A.P. Pollacco, A. Eger, C. Rajanayaka, J. Fernández-Gálvez

Dual-porosity models have been shown to improve models of soil–water movement and enhance the water balance of structured soils. In this study we introduce novel, continuous, closed-form, bimodal, lognormal functions for soil–water retention, θ(ψ), and unsaturated hydraulic conductivity, K(ψ), enhancing traditional models and significantly improving predictions, particularly for pumice soils. These functions incorporate the thresholds for (a) water pressure, (b) soil water content, and (c) unsaturated conductivity, which accurately differentiates macropores from matrix pores. Validation using 313 observation points from laboratory data shows an increase in the Nash–Sutcliffe efficiency coefficient of θ(ψ) from 0.94 to 0.97, and for K(ψ) from 0.83 to 0.95. The model also requires six constant, semi-empirical tortuosity parameters and provides a physically constrained approach for the hydraulic parameters that reduces non-uniqueness risks. The derived functions yield improved predictions and enable the computation of macropore soil water content and flow contributions, with potential applications for the advancement of preferential flow modelling.



双孔隙度模型已被证明可以改进土壤-水运动的模型并增强结构土壤的水平衡。在这项研究中,我们引入了土壤-水保持率 θ(ψ) 和非饱和水力传导率 K(ψ) 的新型、连续、闭式、双峰、对数正态函数,增强了传统模型并显着改进了预测,特别是对于浮石土壤。这些函数包括 (a) 水压、(b) 土壤含水量和 (c) 非饱和电导率的阈值,从而准确区分大孔隙和基质孔隙。使用实验室数据中的 313 个观察点进行验证,表明 θ(ψ) 的 Nash-Sutcliffe 效率系数从 0.94 增加到 0.97,K(ψ) 的效率系数从 0.83 增加到 0.95。该模型还需要六个恒定的半经验迂曲参数,并为水力参数提供了一种物理约束方法,以减少非唯一性风险。派生函数产生了改进的预测,并能够计算大孔土壤含水量和流量贡献,并可能应用于推进优先流动建模。