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Transition imaginaries: Expectations of the state project of an electric vehicle in Poland
Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions ( IF 5.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-09-25 , DOI: 10.1016/j.eist.2024.100912
Aleksandra Lis-Plesińska, Rafał Szymanowski, Marek W. Jaskólski

We present the concept of “transition imaginary”, defined as a discursive effect of the relational work of the state to strategically select and reconfigure landscape pressures through national sociotechnical imaginaries for the sake of legitimizing particular transition projects. Using the case study of the Polish project of an electric vehicle (EV) IZERA, we illustrate a model that helps understand how landscape pressures are reinterpreted in relation to national sociotechnical imaginaries with the active role of state actors in this process. State actors use various forms of representation to publicly express expectations about its benefits and meanings to consolidate the social base for it and propose concrete forms of intervention to bring them into existence. By applying the strategic-relational approach to state power developed by Bob Jessop, we unpack sustainable transitions as state projects of political power and a geographically specific modality of state capitalism.



我们提出了“过渡想象”的概念,它被定义为国家关系工作的一种话语效应,通过国家社会技术想象战略性地选择和重新配置景观压力,以使特定的过渡项目合法化。使用波兰电动汽车 (EV) IZERA 项目的案例研究,我们说明了一个模型,该模型有助于理解景观压力如何与国家社会技术想象相关联,并在此过程中发挥国家行为者的积极作用。国家行为者使用各种形式的代表来公开表达对其好处和意义的期望,以巩固其社会基础,并提出具体的干预形式来实现它们。通过将鲍勃·杰索普 (Bob Jessop) 提出的战略关系方法应用于国家权力,我们将可持续转型解读为政治权力的国家项目和国家资本主义的地理特定模式。