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Journeys of transition: The impact of life-role transitions on tourist preferences for paradox destinations
Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management ( IF 7.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-09-23 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jhtm.2024.09.007
Xiaoqin Wang, Yingzhu Yao, Lu (Monroe) Meng, Mengya Yang

This study explores how life-role transitions influence tourists' intention to visit paradox destinations characterized by contradictory features. The findings from four studies indicate that major life events, such as completing education or entering matrimony, strongly intensify the desire to visit specific destinations, more so for individuals who are less seasoned in travel. This trend can be explained by an enhanced ability to engage in dialectical thinking and a greater sense of fit with the destination's paradoxical traits. This study integrates the “life-role transition” concept into the realm of tourism promotion. The study offers new insights into tourist behavior and destination appeal that enrich our understanding of destination marketing. It also provides practical implications for attracting tourists to paradox destinations.


