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Stability maps for the slightly compressible poker chip detachment problem
Finite Elements in Analysis and Design ( IF 3.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-09-23 , DOI: 10.1016/j.finel.2024.104257
András Levente Horváth, Attila Kossa

The “poker chip problem” was originally investigated experimentally to create hydrostatic tension in rubber-like materials. Different modes of contact failure were already described during these experiments. Since then, this problem has proven to be useful for investigating the detachment mechanisms of dry adhesives. This is primarily achieved with FE simulations, as many important quantities cannot (or too difficult to) be measured in a real experiment setup.



“扑克筹码问题”最初是通过实验研究的,目的是在类似橡胶的材料中产生静水张力。在这些实验中已经描述了不同的接触失效模式。从那时起,这个问题已被证明可用于研究干胶粘剂的分离机制。这主要是通过 FE 仿真实现的,因为许多重要的量无法(或太难)在实际实验设置中测量。