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Extraction of Vanadium from High Phosphorus Vanadium Containing Waste Residue via Carbonation: Optimization Using Response Surface Methodology
Processes ( IF 2.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-09-29 , DOI: 10.3390/pr12102121
Zhigang Bai, Yimin Zhang, Nannan Xue, Qiushi Zheng, Zilin Dai

Vanadium (V) was successfully extracted from a high phosphorus vanadium residue (HPVR) through a carbonation process. Vanadium within HPVR substitutes for Fe in the mineral structure of Ca9(Fe,V)(PO4)7 at elevated temperatures, Na2CO3 reacts with V to form sodium metavanadate (NaVO3), concurrently generating calcium carbonate (CaCO3) through its interaction with Ca9(Fe,V)(PO4)7. Subsequently, V is liberated and leached by water, dissolving in the aqueous phase as metavanadate ions (VO3−). Crucial factors influencing V leaching efficiency include roasting time, roasting temperature, and the amount of Na2CO3 utilized. Response Surface Methodology (RSM) was employed. The optimized parameters determined were as follows: a roasting temperature of 850 °C, a roasting duration of 120 min, a Na2CO3 dosage of 8.01%, a liquid-to-solid ratio (L/S) of 3, and a leaching time of 60 min. Under these conditions, a remarkable V leaching efficiency of 83.82% was achieved. This study underscores the viability of a simplified approach for treating solid waste containing metal slag, which not only mitigates environmental pollution but also yields valuable metals.



通过碳酸化工艺成功从高磷钒渣 (HPVR) 中提取钒 (V)。 HPVR 中的钒在高温下取代 Ca9(Fe,V)(PO4)7 矿物结构中的 Fe,Na2CO3 与 V 反应形成偏钒酸钠 (NaVO3),同时通过与 Ca9( Fe,V)(PO4)7。随后,V 被释放并被水浸出,以偏钒酸根离子 (VO3−) 的形式溶解在水相中。影响V浸出效率的关键因素包括焙烧时间、焙烧温度和Na2CO3的使用量。采用响应面法(RSM)。确定的优化参数为:焙烧温度850 ℃、焙烧时间120 min、Na2CO3用量8.01%、液固比(L/S)3、浸出时间60 分钟在此条件下,V浸出率达到83.82%。这项研究强调了处理含有金属渣的固体废物的简化方法的可行性,该方法不仅可以减轻环境污染,还可以产生有价值的金属。