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Who Are We Measuring? Teacher Effects in Gifted and Talented Teacher Rating Scales
Exceptional Children ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-09-27 , DOI: 10.1177/00144029241247035
D. Betsy McCoach, Scott Peters, Anthony J. Gambino, Daniel Long, Del Siegle

Teacher rating scales (TRS) often play a part in service eligibility decisions for gifted services. Although schools regularly use TRS to identify gifted students either as part of an informal nomination process or through behavioral rating scales, there is little research documenting the between-teacher variance in teacher ratings and the consequences of such rater dependence. To evaluate the possible benefits or disadvantages of using TRS as part of a gifted identification process, we examined the student-, teacher-, and school-level variance in TRS, controlling for student ability and achievement to determine the unique information, consistency, and potential bias in TRS. Between 10% and 25% of a students’ TRS score can be attributed to the teacher doing the rating, and between-teacher standard deviations represent an effect size of one-third to one-half standard deviation. Our results suggest that TRS are not easily comparable across teachers, making it impossible to set a cut score for admission into a program (or for further screening) that functions equitably across teachers.



教师评分量表 (TRS) 通常在天才服务的服务资格决策中发挥重要作用。尽管学校经常使用 TRS 来识别有天赋的学生,或者作为非正式提名过程的一部分,或者通过行为评分量表,但很少有研究记录教师评分之间的差异以及这种评分者依赖的后果。为了评估使用 TRS 作为天才识别过程的一部分可能的好处或坏处,我们检查了 TRS 中学生、教师和学校层面的差异,控制学生的能力和成绩,以确定独特的信息、一致性和TRS 中的潜在偏差。学生 TRS 分数的 10% 到 25% 可以归因于进行评分的教师,教师之间的标准差代表三分之一到二分之一标准差的效应大小。我们的结果表明,教师之间的 TRS 不容易进行比较,因此不可能为进入某个项目(或进一步筛选)设定一个在教师之间公平运作的分数。