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Grade Retention: The Role of Speech and Language Disorders, Race and Ethnicity, Sex, Socioeconomic Status, Special Education, and Bilingualism
Remedial and Special Education ( IF 2.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-09-28 , DOI: 10.1177/07419325241274574
Ai Leen Choo, Caleb J. King, Brian Barger

The odds of grade retention for children with speech or language disorders were assessed using data from the National Survey of Children’s Health (NSCH), a nationally representative and cross-sectional survey of U.S. children from 2016 to 2021. Various demographic, social, and education variables were also examined to confirm prior findings with a large national cohort. Results indicate higher odds of retention for children who were identified with speech and language disorders, from marginalized racial and ethnic groups, boys, from lower socioeconomic households, and in special education. Bilingual children had lower odds of retention. Teachers and speech-language pathologists need to recognize that the odds of grade retention and related outcomes, such as not completing high school, could be compounded for children with speech and language disorders.



使用全国儿童健康调查 (NSCH) 的数据评估了患有言语或语言障碍的儿童保留年级的几率,该调查是 2016 年至 2021 年对美国儿童进行的一项具有全国代表性的横断面调查。还对变量进行了检查,以证实先前在大型全国队列中的发现。结果表明,患有言语和语言障碍的儿童、来自边缘化种族和族裔群体的儿童、男孩、来自社会经济地位较低的家庭以及接受特殊教育的儿童,留校率较高。双语儿童的保留率较低。教师和言语病理学家需要认识到,对于患有言语和语言障碍的儿童来说,保留成绩和相关结果(例如未完成高中学业)的可能性可能会更大。