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F116I mutation in CYP9A25 associated with resistance to emamectin benzoate in Spodoptera litura
Pest Management Science ( IF 3.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-09-27 , DOI: 10.1002/ps.8427
Yu Shi, Ting Su, Zhifeng Yu, Wenjuan Mei, Yidong Wu, Yihua Yang

The F116V mutation in the substrate recognition site 1 (SRS1) of Spodoptera exigua CYP9A186 has been demonstrated to confer ~200-fold resistance to emamectin benzoate (EB). In this study, a novel mutation (F116I) in CYP9A25, orthologous to CYP9A186, was detected in a field population of Spodoptera litura (YJ22) collected from Yuanjiang, Yunnan province, China in 2022. The association of this mutation with EB resistance was investigated.