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Parent emotional support alters the association between parent–child interbrain synchrony and interaction quality
Child Development ( IF 3.9 ) Pub Date : 2024-09-27 , DOI: 10.1111/cdev.14172
Jianjie Xu, Sihan Liu, Yuhao Zhu, Molly E. Hale, Qiandong Wang, Xinni Wang, Mengyu Miranda Gao, Hui Wang, Cynthia Suveg, Zhuo Rachel Han

Using functional near‐infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) hyperscanning methodology, this study investigated whether parent emotional support moderated the relation between parent–child interbrain synchrony and interaction quality (via behavioral observation and child‐report), controlling for individual emotional distress. Eighty‐eight parent–child dyads (96.6% Han ethnicity), including a school‐age child between the ages of 6 and 11 (Mage = 8.07 years, SD = 1.16 years; 58.0% boys) and their parent (Mage = 39.03 years, SD = 3.54 years; 69.3% mothers), participated in a cooperative task during which brain activity was assessed. Cluster‐based permutations indicated parent–child interbrain synchrony in the left and right temporoparietal junction (TPJ). Interbrain synchrony in the left TPJ positively related to parent–child interaction quality in the context of high parent emotional support, whereas the association was weaker and negative when parents demonstrated low emotional support. Findings suggest the emotional context of an interaction is critical when assessing interbrain synchrony.



本研究使用功能性近红外光谱(fNIRS)超扫描方法,调查了父母的情感支持是否调节了亲子脑间同步性和互动质量(通过行为观察和儿童报告)之间的关系,从而控制了个体的情绪困扰。 88 名亲子二人组(96.6% 汉族),包括一名 6 岁至 11 岁的学龄儿童(Mage = 8.07 岁,SD = 1.16 岁;58.0% 男孩)及其父母(Mage = 39.03 岁) ,SD = 3.54 岁;69.3% 的母亲),参与了评估大脑活动的合作任务。基于簇的排列表明左右颞顶交界处(TPJ)的亲子脑间同步。在父母情感支持较高的情况下,左侧TPJ的脑间同步性与亲子互动质量呈正相关,而当父母表现出较低的情感支持时,这种关联较弱且呈负相关。研究结果表明,在评估脑间同步性时,互动的情感背景至关重要。