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Life table analysis and RNA-Seq reveal hormesis and transgenerational effects of deltamethrin on Aphis gossypii
Pest Management Science ( IF 3.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-09-27 , DOI: 10.1002/ps.8449
Ningbo Huangfu, Jiao Shang, Lixiang Guo, Xiangzhen Zhu, Kaixin Zhang, Ruichang Niu, Dongyang Li, Xueke Gao, Li Wang, Jichao Ji, Junyu Luo, Jinjie Cui

Deltamethrin, as a highly effective and broad-spectrum insecticide, has been widely used for agricultural pest control such as Aphis gossypii worldwide. Increasing evidence has shown that despite great economic benefits brought by it, deltamethrin has also non-negligible side effects. However, the potential risks and related molecular mechanisms remain largely unclear.


Life Table 分析和 RNA-Seq 揭示了溴氰菊酯对棉蚜的激效作用和跨代作用
