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Systematic review of the operational definitions and indicators of teacher communities
Educational Research Review ( IF 9.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-09-17 , DOI: 10.1016/j.edurev.2024.100640
Barbara Dzieciatko-Szendrei, Nataša Pantić, Srećko Joksimović, Dragan Gašević, Gil Viry

Research on teacher communities (TCs) for professional development reports positive impacts on teachers' work and students' learning outcomes. However, the lack of conceptual clarity regarding the constitution of TCs has been highlighted by scholars. This ambiguity complicates the comparison and evaluation of the impacts claimed by different studies. This systematic review focuses on the operational definitions and indicators of TCs in empirical studies. Drawing on analytical models designed for TC comparisons, the review highlights the variance in the way studies have approached the concept, identifies gaps in explicit operational definitions and indicators of TCs and suggests areas for exploration in future research designs. This systematic review offers the range and the scope of definitions and indicators that exist in the empirical research and is useful in informing discussions about community development and future designs.



针对专业发展的教师社区 (TC) 的研究报告了对教师工作和学生学习成果的积极影响。然而,学者们强调,TC 的构成在概念上缺乏明确性。这种模糊性使得不同研究所声称的影响的比较和评估变得复杂。本次系统综述重点关注实证研究中 TC 的操作定义和指标。该综述利用为 TC 比较而设计的分析模型,强调了研究处理这一概念的方式的差异,确定了 TC 的明确操作定义和指标方面的差距,并提出了未来研究设计中需要探索的领域。本系统综述提供了实证研究中存在的定义和指标的范围和范围,有助于为有关社区发展和未来设计的讨论提供信息。