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Fifty years of fighting sex discrimination: Undermining entrenched misogynies through recognition and everyday resistance
Human Relations ( IF 4.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-09-26 , DOI: 10.1177/00187267241279216
Sarah Gilmore, Nancy Harding, Jackie Ford

This article marks the 50th anniversary of the passing of the UK’s Sex Discrimination Act (1975). The UK offers an important historical case study of how such laws are, or are not, translated into practice. The success of the Act is mixed: there has been progress but much more needs to be done. In this study, we seek understanding of the mechanisms through which changes, albeit limited, have been made, with the aim of identifying strategies for continuing progress towards equalities. Using a feminist methodology of researching differently within an archive of memories, and the underutilized work of feminist psychoanalytical theorist Jessica Benjamin, we identify that women engaged in micro-revolutions involving everyday strategies of resistance. Over time, these accumulate and bring about changes on which we can continue to build. The article, first, contributes a theory of women’s agency as quiet revolutionaries; second, it pushes forward feminist theories of recognition; and, finally, it advances methods of researching differently.



本文纪念英国《性别歧视法案》(1975 年)通过 50 周年。英国提供了一个重要的历史案例研究,说明这些法律如何或没有转化为实践。该法案的成功有好有坏:取得了进展,但还有很多工作要做。在这项研究中,我们寻求了解发生变化(尽管有限)的机制,目的是确定在平等方面持续取得进展的策略。利用女权主义方法在记忆档案中进行不同的研究,以及女权主义精神分析理论家杰西卡·本杰明未充分利用的工作,我们发现女性参与了涉及日常抵抗策略的微观革命。随着时间的推移,这些积累并带来变化,我们可以在此基础上继续发展。这篇文章首先提出了女性作为安静的革命者的能动性理论;其次,它推动了女性主义的承认理论;最后,它提出了不同的研究方法。