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Identifying Clinically Meaningful Muscle Power Enhancements and Their Functional Correlates in Hospitalized Older Patients
The Journals of Gerontology Series A: Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences ( IF 4.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-09-27 , DOI: 10.1093/gerona/glae240
Eduardo L Cadore, Mikel Izquierdo, Nicolás Martínez-Velilla, Eduarda Blanco-Rambo, Fabricio Zambom-Ferraresi, Mikel L Sáez de Asteasu

Background This study aimed to determine the threshold of muscle power and strength enhancements that lead to functional gains after exercise intervention in an acute care unit. Methods A total of 302 older patients (intervention: 169, control: 133) from 2 randomized clinical trials were included (mean age: 86.7 years). We measured maximal strength (1RM) and muscle power via a velocity transducer during leg press exercise at 30% and 60% of 1RM. A multicomponent exercise program, including power training, balance, and gait exercises performed over 3 to 6 consecutive days, served as the intervention. We used an anchor-based method to correlate muscle function increases with the Short Physical Performance Battery (SPPB) and gait velocity (GVT) to define clinically meaningful improvements. Results In the intervention group, marked differences were found in maximal power at 30% of 1RM between SPPB responders and nonresponders (relative 83.5% vs 34.8%; absolute 33.0 vs 12.8 W; p < .05) and at 60% of 1RM (relative 61.1% vs 22.4%; p < .05). GVT responders demonstrated significantly greater improvements in both relative and absolute maximal power than nonresponders at both 30% and 60% of 1RM (p < .05), as well as greater absolute 1RM gains (21.2 vs 15.2 kg, p < .05). Clinically meaningful improvements for muscle power based on SPPB and GVT ranged from 30.2% to 48.7%, whereas for 1RM, it was 8.2% based on GVT. Conclusions Muscle power gains were most notable in patients with improvements in the SPPB and GVT, highlighting the critical role of muscle power in functional recovery in these patients.



背景 本研究旨在确定在急性监护病房进行运动干预后导致功能增强的肌肉力量和力量增强的阈值。方法 共纳入来自 2 项随机临床试验的 302 名老年患者 (干预: 169,对照: 133) (平均年龄: 86.7 岁)。在腿部推举运动期间,我们通过速度传感器测量了 1RM 的最大力量 (1RM) 和肌肉力量,分别为 1RM 的 30% 和 60%。作为干预措施,包括连续 3 至 6 天进行的力量训练、平衡和步态锻炼。我们使用基于锚的方法将肌肉功能的增加与短期体能电池 (SPPB) 和步态速度 (GVT) 相关联,以确定具有临床意义的改善。结果 在干预组中,SPPB 反应者和无反应者之间在 1RM 的 30% 处发现最大功率存在显着差异(相对 83.5% 对 34.8%;绝对 33.0 对 12.8 W;p < .05)和 1RM 的 60%(相对 61.1% 对 22.4%;p < .05)。在 1RM 的 30% 和 60% 时,GVT 应答者在相对和绝对最大功率方面均表现出比无应答者更大的改善 (p < .05),以及更大的绝对 1RM 增益 (21.2 vs 15.2 kg,p < .05)。基于 SPPB 和 GVT 的肌肉力量的临床意义改善范围为 30.2% 至 48.7%,而对于 1RM,基于 GVT 的改善为 8.2%。结论 SPPB 和 GVT 改善的患者肌肉力量增加最为显着,突出了肌肉力量在这些患者功能恢复中的关键作用。