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A dynamic mid-crustal magma domain revealed by the 2023 to 2024 Sundhnúksgígar eruptions, Iceland
Science ( IF 44.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-09-26 , DOI: 10.1126/science.adp8778
Simon W. Matthews, Alberto Caracciolo, Enikő Bali, Sæmundur Halldórsson, Olgeir Sigmarsson, Guðmundur Guðfinnsson, Gro B. M. Pedersen, Jóhann Gunnarsson Robin, Edward W. Marshall, Araksan A. Aden, Bryndís Ýr Gísladóttir, Chantal Bosq, Delphine Auclair, Heini Merrill, Nicolas Levillayer, Noëmi Löw, Rebekka Hlín Rúnarsdóttir, Sóley M. Johnson, Sveinbjörn Steinþórsson, Vincent Drouin

Mid-crustal magma domains are the source of many basaltic eruptions. Lavas from individual eruptions are often chemically homogeneous, suggesting they derive from single well-mixed magma reservoirs. The 2023 to 2024 eruptions at Sundhnúksgígar in the Svartsengi volcanic system, Iceland, provide an opportunity to observe the behavior of a mid-crustal magma domain at high spatial and temporal resolution by detailed sampling and geochemical characterization. We observed substantial mantle-derived geochemical variability in the products erupted in the first hours of the December 2023, January, February, and March-May 2024 eruptions, indicating the eruptions derived from multiple magma reservoirs, which mineral-melt equilibration pressures place in the mid-crust. The unusual presence of geochemical heterogeneity in the mid-crustal magma domain provides an insight into how dynamic and complex mid-crustal magma domains can be.


2023 年至 2024 年冰岛 Sundhnúksgígar 火山喷发揭示了动态的中地壳岩浆域

中地壳岩浆域是许多玄武岩喷发的源头。单次喷发的熔岩通常化学成分均质,这表明它们来自单一混合良好的岩浆库。 2023 年至 2024 年冰岛 Svartsengi 火山系统 Sundhnúksgígar 的喷发提供了通过详细采样和地球化学表征以高空间和时间分辨率观察中地壳岩浆域行为的机会。我们观察到 2023 年 12 月、2024 年 1 月、2 月和 3 月至 5 月喷发的头几个小时内喷发的产物存在显着的地幔衍生的地球化学变化,这表明喷发源自多个岩浆库,矿物熔体平衡压力将其置于岩浆库中。中地壳。中地壳岩浆域中异常存在的地球化学异质性使我们能够深入了解中地壳岩浆域的动态和复杂性。