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A kalihinol analog disrupts apicoplast function and vesicular trafficking in P. falciparum malaria
Science ( IF 44.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-09-26 , DOI: 10.1126/science.adm7966
Z. Chahine, S. Abel, T. Hollin, G. L. Barnes, J. H. Chung, M. E. Daub, I. Renard, J. Y. Choi, P. Vydyam, A. Pal, M. Alba-Argomaniz, C. A. S. Banks, J. Kirkwood, A. Saraf, I. Camino, P. Castaneda, M. C. Cuevas, J. De Mercado-Arnanz, E. Fernandez-Alvaro, A. Garcia-Perez, N. Ibarz, S. Viera-Morilla, J. Prudhomme, C. J. Joyner, A. K. Bei, L. Florens, C. Ben Mamoun, C. D. Vanderwal, K. G. Le Roch

We report the discovery of MED6-189, an analog of the kalihinol family of isocyanoterpene natural products that is effective against drug-sensitive and drug-resistant Plasmodium falciparum strains, blocking both asexual replication and sexual differentiation. In vivo studies using a humanized mouse model of malaria confirm strong efficacy of the compound in animals with no apparent hemolytic activity or toxicity. Complementary chemical, molecular, and genomics analyses revealed that MED6-189 targets the parasite apicoplast and acts by inhibiting lipid biogenesis and cellular trafficking. Genetic analyses revealed that a mutation in PfSec13 , which encodes a component of the parasite secretory machinery, reduced susceptibility to the drug. Its high potency, excellent therapeutic profile, and distinctive mode of action make MED6-189 an excellent addition to the antimalarial drug pipeline.


kalihinol 类似物破坏恶性疟原虫疟疾的顶质体功能和囊泡运输

我们报告了 MED6-189 的发现,它是异氰酸酯天然产物 kalihinol 家族的类似物,可有效对抗药物敏感和耐药的恶性疟原虫菌株,阻断无性复制和性分化。使用疟疾人源化小鼠模型进行的体内研究证实,该化合物在动物体内具有强大的功效,且没有明显的溶血活性或毒性。补充化学、分子和基因组学分析表明,MED6-189 以寄生虫顶端质体为目标,并通过抑制脂质生物发生和细胞运输发挥作用。遗传分析显示,编码寄生虫分泌机制成分的 PfSec13 的突变降低了对该药物的敏感性。其高效力、卓越的治疗特性和独特的作用模式使 MED6-189 成为抗疟药物管道的绝佳补充。