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The revolution in high-throughput proteomics and AI
Science ( IF 44.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-09-26 , DOI: 10.1126/science.ads5749
Eric J. Topol

The recent capability to measure thousands of plasma proteins from a tiny blood sample has provided a new dimension of expansive data that can advance our understanding of human health. For example, the company SomaLogic has developed the means to measure more than 10,000 proteins and Thermo Fisher’s Olink assays over 5400 proteins from as little as 2 μl. When these rich data are integrated with other layers of information from large patient cohorts, such as the UK Biobank’s genetic, health, and lifestyle information from half a million participants, we get new insights about the underpinnings of disease, the aging process, and the potential ability to forecast an individual’s health trajectory.



最近能够从微小的血液样本中测量数千种血浆蛋白,这提供了一个新的广泛数据维度,可以增进我们对人类健康的理解。例如,SomaLogic 公司开发了测量超过 10,000 种蛋白质的方法,Thermo Fisher 的 Olink 可以从短短 2 µl 中测定超过 5400 种蛋白质。当这些丰富的数据与来自大型患者群体的其他层信息(例如英国生物银行来自 50 万参与者的遗传、健康和生活方式信息)整合时,我们可以获得关于疾病基础、衰老过程和疾病的新见解。预测个人健康轨迹的潜在能力。