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Does what others can(not) see really matter? The relationship between leadership Arena-Reputation-Identity (LARI) model and leader effectiveness.
Journal of Applied Psychology ( IF 9.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-09-26 , DOI: 10.1037/apl0001238
Andrew C Loignon,John W Fleenor,Stephen Jeong,David J Woehr

Leadership scholars recognize that there is value in capturing how leaders view themselves and how they are viewed by others. Recently, the leadership Arena-Reputation-Identity (LARI) model has been advanced as a means of more precisely capturing the shared and unique perspectives that underlie multisource ratings of leadership. Despite its strengths, several critical questions pertaining to this model remain unanswered: (1) Does the wealth of information provided by the LARI model have any bearing on the effectiveness of a leader? (2) Does the amount of variance explained by a particular source within the LARI model depend on the observability of the leadership dimension being rated? (3) Does the LARI model generalize to the upper echelon of the firms (i.e., senior executives) while also accommodating additional source effects (i.e., board members)? Drawing on multisource ratings of 491 senior executives' leadership competencies, as well as a team-based assessment of their effectiveness, we first conceptually and empirically extend this Model 1 that can accommodate predictive relationships, that is, LARI (S-1) model, and then find that the LARI (S-1) model functions well as a means of conceptualizing multisource ratings of leadership (even in a distinct context and additional sources of ratings). We also find that the LARI (S-1) model captures a significant, and at times, substantial portion of variability in leader effectiveness. Our results also suggest that the extent to which a particular source of leadership ratings predicts a leader's effectiveness is based, in part, on the observability of the leadership dimension being assessed. Implications and future directions are discussed. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2024 APA, all rights reserved).



领导力学者认识到,捕捉领导者如何看待自己以及他人如何看待他们是有价值的。最近,领导力竞技场-声誉-身份 (LARI) 模型得到了改进,作为一种更准确地捕捉多源领导力评级背后的共同和独特观点的手段。尽管有其优势,但与该模型相关的几个关键问题仍未得到解答:(1)LARI 模型提供的丰富信息对领导者的有效性有影响吗? (2) LARI 模型中特定来源所解释的方差量是否取决于所评级的领导力维度的可观察性? (3) LARI 模型是否可以推广到公司的高层(即高级管理人员),同时也适应额外的源效应(即董事会成员)?利用对 491 名高级管理人员领导能力的多源评级以及基于团队的有效性评估,我们首先在概念上和经验上扩展了可以适应预测关系的模型 1,即 LARI (S-1) 模型,然后发现 LARI (S-1) 模型可以很好地作为一种概念化多源领导力评级的方法(即使在不同的背景和其他评级来源中)。我们还发现,LARI (S-1) 模型捕捉到了领导者有效性的显着且有时是相当大的变异性部分。我们的结果还表明,特定的领导力评级来源对领导者有效性的预测程度部分取决于所评估的领导力维度的可观察性。讨论了影响和未来的方向。 (PsycInfo 数据库记录 (c) 2024 APA,保留所有权利)。