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Physicochemical Hydrodynamics of Particle Diffusiophoresis Driven by Chemical Gradients
Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics ( IF 25.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-09-26 , DOI: 10.1146/annurev-fluid-030424-110950
Jesse T. Ault, Sangwoo Shin

Chemical gradients, the spatial variations in chemical concentrations and components, are omnipresent in environments ranging from biological and environmental systems to industrial processes. These thermodynamic forces often play a central role in driving transport processes taking place in such systems. This review focuses on diffusiophoresis, a phoretic transport phenomenon driven by chemical gradients. We begin by revisiting the fundamental physicochemical hydrodynamics governing the transport. Then we discuss diffusiophoresis arising in flow systems found in natural and artificial settings. By exploring various scenarios where chemical gradients are encountered and exploited, we aim to demonstrate the significance of diffusiophoresis and its state-of-the-art development in technological applications.


