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Efficient Water Reforming of Biomass to H2 via Well-Organized Redox-Neutral Cleavage of C−C, O−H and C−H Bonds
Angewandte Chemie International Edition ( IF 16.1 ) Pub Date : 2024-09-25 , DOI: 10.1002/anie.202416867
Wen-Min Zhang 1 , Yang Li 1

Using the designed well-organized redox-neutral cleavage of C−C, O−H and C−H bonds via photoelectrocatalysis, we develop efficient water reforming of biomass,including glucose, biomass derivatives, and raw biomass, to H2 at room temperature, with a yield up to 93 %. The clear insights into the kinetic pathway with oxidation of carbon radicals to carbon cations as the indicated rate-determining step are given by mechanistic studies.


通过组织良好的 C-C、O-H 和 C-H 键的氧化还原中性裂解,将生物质高效水重整为 H2

利用通过光电催化设计的组织良好的氧化还原中性裂解 C-C、O-H 和 C-H 键,我们开发了在室温下将生物质(包括葡萄糖、生物质衍生物和原始生物质)高效的水重整为 H2,产率高达 93%。机理研究清楚地了解了以碳自由基氧化为碳阳离子作为指示的速率确定步骤的动力学途径。