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Back pain Knowledge and beliefs Survey (BacKS): development and assessment of measurement properties
British Journal of Sports Medicine ( IF 11.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-12-01 , DOI: 10.1136/bjsports-2024-108364
Leticia Amaral Corrêa, Mark Hancock, Stephanie Mathieson, Arianne Verhagen, Ben Darlow, Paul William Hodges, Simon French

Objective To develop and evaluate a new patient-reported outcome measure (PROM) to assess people’s knowledge and beliefs about low back pain. Methods This study followed the COnsensus-based Standards for the selection of health Measurement INstruments guidelines. An 18-item preliminary version of the Back pain Knowledge and beliefs Survey (BacKS) was generated based on evidence-based key messages and current clinical guidelines for low back pain. Four items were added following input from three consumers and seven experts. Focus groups (n=9) confirmed content validity. The 22-item version was completed by 258 Australian-based adults (>18 years) with self-reported low back pain. A follow-up survey was sent 1 week later. The following measurement properties were evaluated to produce, and then assess the final version of BacKS: structural validity (exploratory factor analysis); internal consistency (Cronbach’s alpha); test–retest reliability (intraclass correlation coefficient); measurement error (Smallest Detectable Change); construct validity (hypothesis tested: moderate positive Pearson correlation between BacKS and Back Beliefs Questionnaire); plus, interpretability and feasibility. Results The final BacKS comprised 20 items with a 2-factor structure (biomedical factor: 9 items, score ranging from 9 to 45, and self-care factor: 11 items, score ranging from 11 to 55). Internal consistency and reliability were adequate (>0.70) for each factor. Smallest detectable change was 4.4 (biomedical factor) and 7.0 (self-care factor). Our construct validity hypothesis was confirmed (Pearson correlation=0.53). No floor or ceiling effects were detected. Conclusion The BacKS is a valid, reliable and feasible PROM to measure knowledge and beliefs about low back pain in clinical practice and research settings. Data are available on reasonable request.


背痛知识和信念调查 (BacKS):测量特性的开发和评估

目的 开发和评估一种新的患者报告结果测量 (PROM),以评估人们对腰痛的知识和信念。方法 本研究遵循基于 COnsensus 的标准来选择健康测量仪器指南。背痛知识和信念调查 (BacKS) 的 18 项初步版本是根据循证的关键信息和当前的腰痛临床指南生成的。根据 3 名消费者和 7 名专家的意见,添加了 4 个项目。焦点小组 (n=9) 确认了内容的有效性。22 个项目的版本由 258 名自我报告腰痛的澳大利亚成年人 (x3E18 岁) 完成。1 周后发送了后续调查。评估以下测量属性以生成,然后评估 BacKS 的最终版本:结构效度(探索性因子分析);内部一致性(Cronbach 的 alpha);重测信度(类内相关系数);测量误差 (最小可检测变化);结构效度(检验假设:BacKS 和 Back Beliefs 问卷之间的中度正 Pearson 相关性);此外,可解释性和可行性。结果 最终 BacKS 包括 20 个条目,具有 2 因素结构 (生物医学因素:9 个条目,评分从 9 到 45 分,自理因素:11 个条目,评分从 11 到 55 分)。各因子的内部一致性和可靠性均足够 (>0.70)。最小的可检测变化是 4.4 (生物医学因素) 和 7.0 (自我护理因素)。我们的构建有效性假设得到证实 (Pearson 相关 = 0.53)。未检测到地板或天花板效应。 结论 BacKS 是一种有效、可靠和可行的 PROM,用于衡量临床实践和研究环境中有关腰痛的知识和信念。数据可应合理要求提供。