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Simultaneous Oxidation of Bromide and Dissolution of Manganese Oxide Induced by Freezing
Environmental Science & Technology ( IF 10.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-09-24 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.4c07493
Yaohua Wu, Huazhe Wang, Juanshan Du, Yi Hu, Qinglian Wu, Wanqian Guo, Wonyong Choi

This study demonstrates that the oxidation of bromide by birnessite (δ-MnO2) results in the concurrent production of soluble manganese (Mn(II)) and reactive bromine (RBr) species in frozen solutions, a process not observed in aqueous solutions. This enhanced oxidation in ice is attributed to the concentration of protons, birnessite, or bromide in the ice grain boundary region. Furthermore, different types of commercial manganese oxides can also oxidize bromide to RBr and release Mn(II) in ice. The presence of fulvic acid (FA) further increases the simultaneous production of RBr and Mn(II) in ice, accompanying the formation of organobromine compounds (OBCs). In frozen δ-MnO2/Br/FA system, a significant increase in OBCs, mainly highly unsaturated and phenolic compounds, was detected using Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry. A marked contrast was observed in the number of OBCs formed in frozen solutions (853 and 415 OBCs at initial pH 3.0 and 5.8, respectively) compared to their aqueous counterparts (11 and 23 OBCs). These findings introduce a new pathway for the formation of RBr, Mn(II), and OBCs in ice, highlighting the need for further research on the environmental fate of bromide and manganese.



本研究表明,伯恩斯矿 (δ-MnO2) 对溴化物的氧化导致在冷冻溶液中同时产生可溶性锰 (Mn(II)) 和活性溴 (RBr) 物种,这一过程在水溶液中未观察到。冰中的这种增强氧化归因于冰粒边界区域中质子、伯恩石或溴化物的浓度。此外,不同类型的商业氧化锰也可以将溴化物氧化成 RBr 并在冰中释放 Mn(II)。黄腐酸 (FA) 的存在进一步增加了冰中 RBr 和 Mn(II) 的同时产生,伴随着有机溴化合物 (OBC) 的形成。在冷冻 δ-MnO2/Br/FA 系统中,使用傅里叶变换离子回旋共振质谱法检测到 OBCs(主要是高度不饱和和酚类化合物)的显著增加。在冷冻溶液中形成的 OBC 数量(初始 pH 值为 3.0 和 5.8 时分别为 853 和 415 个 OBC)与水性溶液(11 个和 23 个 OBC)相比存在显著差异。这些发现为冰中 RBr、Mn(II) 和 OBC 的形成引入了一条新途径,突出了进一步研究溴化物和锰的环境归宿的必要性。