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Integrated analysis of the Neogene–Quaternary Valdera‐Volterra Basin (Northern Apennines). Evidence for composite development of hinterland basins
Basin Research ( IF 2.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-09-24 , DOI: 10.1111/bre.12897
Giovanni Poneti, Marco Benvenuti, Nicola Scarselli, Jonathan Craig, Federico Sani

The Neogene and Quaternary hinterland basins of the Northern Apennine have been the subject of different tectonic interpretations. Several studies considered these basins as the result of polyphase normal faulting framed in a continuous crustal extensional regime since the middle Miocene. On the contrary, geophysical and geological studies provided evidence of the important role played by out‐of‐sequence thrusts and backthrusts in the evolution of these basins during a prolongated and intense period of shortening. Here we present an integrated analysis of 2D stacked seismic reflection profiles, stratigraphic and geophysical data from deep exploration wells, gravity data, and published geological and biostratigraphic data for the Valdera‐Volterra basin (central Tuscany, Italy). The results support a polyphase and composite evolution of the basin, subdivided into three main phases. During the late Tortonian–Zanclean, the growth of major thrust‐related anticlines controlled the evolution of the sedimentary basin. The growth of a syncline determined the creation of accommodation space for the sediments. This main compressional deformation occurred during the Messinian and ended during the Late Zanclean. NE migration of the depocentre during the Early Zanclean was identified, likely possibly due to a differential activity growth between the bordering anticlines. During the Piacenzian, an extensional phase has been recognised, superposed to the previous compressive phase. During the Latest Piacenzian–Early Pleistocene (?), a final compressional phase took place resulting in the positive inversion of the Piacenzian WSW dipping main border fault.



亚平宁北部的新近纪和第四纪腹地盆地一直是不同构造解释的主题。一些研究认为这些盆地是自中新世中期以来在连续地壳伸展范围内形成的多相正断层的结果。相反,地球物理和地质研究提供了证据,证明在长期而强烈的缩短时期,无序逆冲和逆冲在这些盆地的演化中发挥了重要作用。在这里,我们对 Valdera-Volterra 盆地(意大利托斯卡纳中部)的二维叠加地震反射剖面、来自深探井的地层和地球物理数据、重力数据以及已发布的地质和生物地层数据进行了综合分析。结果支持盆地的多相复合演化,分为三个主要阶段。在托尔托阶晚期-赞克林阶期间,主要逆冲相关背斜的生长控制了沉积盆地的演化。向斜的生长决定了沉积物容纳空间的形成。这种主要的压缩变形发生在墨西拿纪,并在赞克林晚期结束。赞克清洁期早期沉积中心的 NE 迁移被确定,这可能是由于边界背斜之间的活动增长不同所致。在皮亚琴兹时期,已经认识到了一个伸展阶段,它叠加在之前的压缩阶段上。在皮亚森兹晚期-早更新世(?)期间,发生了最后的挤压阶段,导致皮亚森兹西西向倾斜的主边界断层发生正反转。