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Developing and validating an L2 writing willingness to communicate scale: A sequential embedded mixed-methods approach
Language Teaching Research ( IF 3.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-09-23 , DOI: 10.1177/13621688241279834
Yujie Zhang, Lawrence Jun Zhang

Current willingness to communicate (WTC) scales center on WTC in general second language (L2) learning, while L2 writing WTC is underrepresented. This study intended to close this gap by developing and validating an L2 writing WTC scale. A three-phase sequential embedded mixed-methods design was adopted to overcome the over-reliance on quantitative data and provide adequate evidence of validity. Nineteen items were generated based on our literature search and thematic analysis of the interview data ( n = 10). With quantitative data collected from 288 learners of English as a foreign language (EFL), the psychometric properties of the initial scale were examined by exploratory factor analysis. After that, the revised 17-item questionnaire was validated by confirmatory factor analysis and other validation methods with data from 224 EFL learners. The results indicated that the underlying structure involved writing task traits, English language ideology, writing teacher support, interest in English language, and self-perception of English language proficiency. The scale was further validated through factor analysis of the quantitative data ( n = 173) and thematic analysis of the immediate retrospective interview data ( n = 12) from EFL learners to test its generalizability in other L2 learning contexts and for face validity evidence. The findings showcased a promising mixed-methods design for scale development and clarified the underlying factors of L2 writing WTC. Implications for scale development and the teaching and learning of L2 writing were discussed.


开发和验证 L2 写作沟通意愿量表:顺序嵌入式混合方法

目前的沟通意愿 (WTC) 量表以一般第二语言 (L2) 学习中的 WTC 为中心,而 L2 写作 WTC 的代表性不足。本研究旨在通过开发和验证 L2 写作 WTC 量表来缩小这一差距。采用三相顺序嵌入式混合方法设计来克服对定量数据的过度依赖并提供足够的有效性证据。根据我们的文献检索和访谈数据的主题分析生成了 19 个项目(n = 10)。通过从 288 名英语作为外语 (EFL) 学习者收集的定量数据,通过探索性因素分析检验了初始量表的心理测量特性。之后,通过验证性因素分析和其他验证方法,利用来自 224 名英语学习者的数据对修订后的 17 项问卷进行了验证。结果表明,潜在结构涉及写作任务特征、英语语言意识形态、写作教师支持、对英语语言的兴趣以及对英语语言能力的自我认知。通过对来自 EFL 学习者的定量数据 (n = 173) 的因子分析和即时回顾性访谈数据 (n = 12) 的主题分析,进一步验证了该量表,以测试其在其他 L2 学习环境中的普遍性和表面有效性证据。研究结果展示了一种有前途的规模开发混合方法设计,并阐明了 L2 写作 WTC 的根本因素。讨论了量表发展以及二语写作教学的影响。