American Antiquity ( IF 2.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-09-24 , DOI: 10.1017/aaq.2024.34
Lee M. Panich, Gustavo Flores, Michael Wilcox, Monica V. Arellano
Archaeologists in North America and elsewhere are increasingly examining long-term Indigenous presence across multiple colonial systems, despite lingering conceptual and methodological challenges. We examine this issue in California, where archaeologists and others have traditionally overlooked Native persistence in the years between the official closing of the region's Franciscan missions in the 1830s and the onset of US settler colonialism in the late 1840s. In particular, we advocate for the judicious use of the documentary record to ask new questions of Indigenous life during this short but critical period, when many Native Californians were freed from the missions and sought new lives in their homelands or in emerging urban areas. We offer examples from our individual and collective research—undertaken in collaboration with the Muwekma Ohlone Tribe—regarding long-term Native persistence in the San Francisco Bay Area to demonstrate how archival evidence can illuminate four interrelated areas of daily life that could be investigated archaeologically, including resistance, freedom, servitude, and personal adornment. By using the written record to regain a sense of subjective time, these topics and others could stimulate new, interdisciplinary, and collaborative research that more firmly accounts for Indigenous people's enduring presence across successive waves of Euro-American colonialism.

尽管在概念和方法上仍存在挥之不去的挑战,北美和其他地方的考古学家越来越多地研究土著人在多个殖民体系中的长期存在。我们在加利福尼亚州研究了这个问题,那里的考古学家和其他人传统上忽视了从 1830 年代该地区方济各会传教区正式关闭到 1840 年代末美国定居者殖民主义开始之间这段时间里原住民的坚持。我们特别提倡明智地使用文献记录,在这个短暂但关键的时期提出有关原住民生活的新问题,当时许多加州原住民从传教任务中解放出来,在自己的家园或新兴城市地区寻求新的生活。我们提供了与 Muwekma Ohlone 部落合作进行的个人和集体研究中有关旧金山湾区土著长期存在的例子,以证明档案证据如何阐明日常生活中四个相互关联的领域,这些领域可以通过考古学进行调查,包括抵抗、自由、奴役和个人装饰。通过使用书面记录来重新获得主观时间感,这些主题和其他主题可以激发新的、跨学科的合作研究,更坚定地解释土著人民在连续不断的欧美殖民主义浪潮中的持久存在。