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Pressure-induced charge density wave in the quasi-one-dimensional topological insulator TaSe3
Physical Review B ( IF 3.2 ) Pub Date : 2024-09-24 , DOI: 10.1103/physrevb.110.094516
Y. K. Cai, C. T. Zhang, T. C. Cao, J. J. Feng, Z. He, X. Z. Xing, X. B. Liu, Z. X. Shi, B. Qian, W. Zhou

The quasi-one-dimensional topological insulator TaSe3 offers an intriguing platform to study the intertwined exotic quantum order, such as superconductivity and charge-density-wave (CDW) order, and nontrivial topological states. Nevertheless, it remains unclear how robust the superconductivity in this quasi-one-dimensional material is and how close the (hidden) CDW exists in its phase diagram. In this work, we unveil a well-defined CDW transition in TaSe3 crystals by leveraging a hydrostatic pressure. Remarkably, it is found that the CDW transition temperature gradually strengthens as the pressure increases, and crosses the room temperature above 2GPa, which makes it promising in future applications in electronic devices. Furthermore, based on the pressure-dependent resistivity and Raman spectroscopy measurements by using a diamond anvil cell, we have extended the high-pressure study up to 50 GPa and verified a proposed phase transition around 6–10 GPa. However, no superconductivity is observed down to 2 K in the whole pressure range studied, suggesting the superconductivity is fragile in this quasi-one-dimensional transition-metal trichalcogenide.


准一维拓扑绝缘体 TaSe3 中压力诱导的电荷密度波

准一维拓扑绝缘体 TaSe3 提供了一个有趣的平台来研究相互交织的奇异量子序,例如超导性和电荷密度波(CDW)序以及非平凡的拓扑态。然而,目前尚不清楚这种准一维材料的超导性有多鲁棒,以及其相图中(隐藏的)CDW 的存在程度如何。在这项工作中,我们揭示了一个定义明确的 CDW 转换 TaSe3 利用静水压力来形成晶体。值得注意的是,我们发现CDW转变温度随着压力的增加而逐渐增强,并在高于室温时穿过 2GPa ,这使得它在未来的电子设备应用中充满希望。此外,基于使用金刚石砧池进行的压力相关电阻率和拉曼光谱测量,我们将高压研究扩展到了 50 GPa,并验证了建议的 6-10 GPa 左右的相变。然而,在整个研究的压力范围内没有观察到低至 2 K 的超导性,这表明这种准一维过渡金属三硫属化物的超导性很脆弱。