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Role of Natural Phytoconstituents as a Potential Bioenhancer of Anti-Cancer and Anti-Microbial Agents: Spotlight on the Mechanism of Action, Clinical Studies and Patents
Processes ( IF 2.8 ) Pub Date : 2024-09-24 , DOI: 10.3390/pr12102060
Dhanalekshmi Unnikrishnan Meenakshi, Gurpreet Kaur Narde, Alka Ahuja, Md Jawaid Akhtar, Shah Alam Khan

A drug design strategy with reduced side effects and economic feasibility is desirable for fatal diseases. Increasing the bioavailability of a drug using a bioenhancer is a smart strategy. Herbal/natural bioenhancers with no probable side effects are an ideal choice to enhance the pharmacokinetics of a therapeutic drug synergistically. The mechanism of bioenhancers relies on the retention of the drug molecule in the cell without causing any changes in the metabolic activity. Most of the herbal bioenhancers achieve this feat by inhibiting metabolic enzymes such as cytochrome P450 and Uridine 5′-diphospho-glucuronosyltransferase. The efflux pump p-glycoprotein, responsible for removal of xenobiotics, is also inhibited by herbal/natural bioenhancers. The increased bioavailability because of the higher Cmax and tmax of chemotherapeutics or anti-infectious agents such as rifampicin can result in a lower drug dosage regimen. The reduction in drug dosage is directly linked to fewer side effects and economic viability. Further, there is a significant effort in clinical trials to incorporate bioenhancers in drug regimens for cancer. The role of herbal/natural bioenhancers and their potential to augment the bioavailability of therapeutics used in cancer and infectious diseases, with a focus on the mechanisms of action, clinical studies and patents, have been summarized in this review article.



对于致命疾病来说,需要一种具有减少副作用和经济可行性的药物设计策略。使用生物增强剂提高药物的生物利用度是一个明智的策略。没有可能的副作用的草药/天然生物增强剂是协同增强治疗药物药代动力学的理想选择。生物增强剂的机制依赖于药物分子在细胞中的保留,而不引起代谢活性的任何变化。大多数草药生物增强剂通过抑制细胞色素 P450 和尿苷 5'-二磷酸葡萄糖醛酸基转移酶等代谢酶来实现这一壮举。负责去除异生物质的外排泵 p-糖蛋白也受到草药/天然生物增强剂的抑制。由于化疗药物或抗感染药物(如利福平)的 Cmax 和 tmax 较高而导致生物利用度增加,从而可以降低药物剂量方案。药物剂量的减少与副作用的减少和经济可行性直接相关。此外,临床试验中也付出了巨大努力,将生物增强剂纳入癌症药物治疗方案中。这篇综述文章总结了草药/天然生物增强剂的作用及其增强癌症和传染病治疗药物生物利用度的潜力,重点是作用机制、临床研究和专利。