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Applying item response theory to psychometrically evaluate and shorten the Negative Acts Questionnaire-Revised
medRxiv - Occupational and Environmental Health Pub Date : 2024-09-23 , DOI: 10.1101/2024.09.21.24314135
Anna Maria Dåderman, Petri Kajonius, Beata Alexandra Basinska

Workplace bullying (WB) assessment often relies on the Negative Acts Questionnaire-Revised (NAQ-R). This study aimed to shorten and improve the NAQ-R using Item Response Theory (IRT) and address sex bias. IRT analysis from 867 Swedish employees (66% women) identified less-informative items. Based on this, a 13-item NAQ-R Short Form (NAQ-R-SF) was developed, demonstrating strong discrimination and validity. The new NAQ-R-SF showed a significant correlation with a primary WB measure (r = .57) and other relevant constructs, including individual factors like neuroticism and health quality, as well as work-related factors such as interpersonal conflicts and work performance. Sex bias was not found. IRT and validity evidence support the NAQ-R-SF as a robust tool for measuring WB, aligning with established WB constructs and individual differences.



工作场所欺凌 (WB) 评估通常依赖于负面行为问卷修订版 (NAQ-R)。本研究旨在利用项目反应理论 (IRT) 缩短和改进 NAQ-R 并解决性别偏见。对 867 名瑞典员工(66% 为女性)进行的 IRT 分析发现了信息量较少的项目。在此基础上,开发了13项NAQ-R简表(NAQ-R-SF),表现出很强的区分性和有效性。新的 NAQ-R-SF 显示与主要 WB 测量 (r = .57) 和其他相关结构显着相关,包括神经质和健康质量等个人因素,以及人际冲突和工作绩效等工作相关因素。未发现性别偏见。 IRT 和有效性证据支持 NAQ-R-SF 作为测量 WB 的强大工具,与已建立的 WB 结构和个体差异保持一致。