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Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy at the Interface between Drug Discovery and Personalized Medicine
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C ( IF 3.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-09-24 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.4c04006
Lamyaa M. Almehmadi, Igor K. Lednev

Personalized medicine and drug discovery are different, yet overlapping, fields, and information from each field is exchanged to improve the other. The current methods used for devising personalized therapeutic plans and developing drug discovery applications are costly, time-consuming, and complex; thus, their applicability is limited in both fields. However, surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) offers potential solutions to current challenges. This Mini-Review explores the utility of SERS in drug discovery and personalized medicine. The Mini-Review starts with a brief overview of these fields, including the main challenges and current methods, and then explores examples where SERS has been used to overcome some of the main challenges in both fields. It ends with brief conclusions, perspectives, and current challenges limiting the practical application of SERS.



个性化医疗和药物发现是不同的,但有重叠的领域,并且来自每个领域的信息可以交换以改进另一个领域。目前用于设计个性化治疗计划和开发药物发现应用的方法成本高昂、耗时且复杂;因此,它们在这两个领域的适用性都受到限制。然而,表面增强拉曼光谱(SERS)为当前挑战提供了潜在的解决方案。这篇小评论探讨了 SERS 在药物发现和个性化医疗中的实用性。小型回顾首先简要概述了这些领域,包括主要挑战和当前方法,然后探讨了使用 SERS 来克服这两个领域的一些主要挑战的示例。最后给出了简短的结论、观点和当前限制 SERS 实际应用的挑战。