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Correction to “Modeling the Gouy–Chapman Diffuse Capacitance with Attractive Ion–Surface Interaction”
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C ( IF 3.3 ) Pub Date : 2024-09-24 , DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.4c06036
Katharina Doblhoff-Dier, Marc T. M. Koper

In our original publication, all values referring to the interaction strength between metal and ion that are stated in the flow text in units of meV are incorrect. They are accidentally stated as 1 order of magnitude too low. Correct values are given in the Figure legends. None of the conclusions are affected by this error as the correct numbers were considered in the analysis and the error occurs merely in the flow text. The following changes should be considered in our paper (changes highlighted in bold): [p. 16666, 1st paragraph]: Most importantly, we predict the ion–surface attraction to be rather weak, on the order of a few hundreds of meV and thus significantly lower than typical bond strengths for contact adsorption. [p. 16670, 2nd paragraph]: The interaction strength necessary to achieve such an effect is thereby on the order of only a few hundreds of meV, independent of whether Δx is very narrow or very broad and on whether only anions or anions and cations are attracted to the surface. Additionally, any interaction strength that is stronger by only 50100 meV (brown lines) leads to Parsons–Zobel slopes significantly smaller than those observed experimentally on Pt(111) for NaClO4, KClO4, CsClO4, LiF, and CH3SO3Na (see Figure 2b). [p. 16671, 2nd paragraph]: The first case is shown in Figure 7, where we vary Uattcat between 160 and 240 meV, while keeping Uattan constant at 200 meV. [p. 16672, 3rd paragraph]: Yet another source of an attractive ion–surface interaction is the image charge effect. For εr = 10 close to the surface and ions residing 3 Å from the image plane, the image charge interaction is, however, only 120 meV. [p. 16672, 1st paragraph of Conclusions]: Based on this comparison, we conjecture that the various ions, including both anions and cations, are attracted to the Pt surface with a weak, but similarly strong interaction strength of a few hundreds of meV. This article has not yet been cited by other publications.


更正为“使用有吸引力的离子-表面相互作用模拟 Gouy-Chapman 漫电容”

在我们最初的出版物中,流文本中以 meV 为单位说明的所有涉及金属和离子之间相互作用强度的值都是不正确的。它们被意外地表示为太低了 1 个数量级。Figure 图例中给出了正确的值。任何结论都不受此错误的影响,因为在分析中考虑了正确的数字,并且错误仅发生在流文本中。在我们的论文中应考虑以下变化(以粗体突出显示的更改):[第 16666 页, 1 段]:最重要的是,我们预测离子表面吸引力相当弱,大约为几 meV,因此明显低于接触吸附的典型键强度。[第 16670 页,第 2段]:因此,实现这种效果所需的相互作用强度只有几 meV,这与 Δx 是非常窄还是非常宽无关,也与仅阴离子或阴离子和阳离子被吸引到表面无关。此外,任何仅强 50-100 meV(棕色线)的相互作用强度都会导致 NaClO4、KClO4、CsClO4、LiF 和 CH3SO3Na 的 Parsons-Zobel 斜率明显小于在 Pt(111) 上观察到的斜率(见图 2b)。[第 16671 页, 2 段]:第一种情况如图 7 所示,我们在 160 到 240 meV 之间改变 Uattcat,同时保持 Uatt 200 meV 的恒定值。[第 16672, 3 段]:另一个有吸引力的离子-表面相互作用的来源是图像电荷效应。然而,对于靠近表面的 εr = 10 且离子位于距离图像平面 3 Å 的离子,图像电荷相互作用仅为 120 meV。[第 16672 页,结论第 1 段]:基于这种比较,我们推测各种离子,包括阴离子和阳离子,以几 meV 的微弱但同样强的相互作用强度被吸引到 Pt 表面。本文尚未被其他出版物引用。