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MFI: A mudflat index based on hyperspectral satellite images for mapping coastal mudflats
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation ( IF 7.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-09-05 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jag.2024.104140
Gang Yang, Chunchen Shao, Yangyan Zuo, Weiwei Sun, Ke Huang, Lihua Wang, Binjie Chen, Xiangchao Meng, Yong Ge

China’s coastal mudflats, threatened by artificial reclamation and climate change, are undergoing drastic changes and their accurate mapping is important for their conservation and restoration. Traditional classification methods, which require large samples and complex classifiers, tend to have low computational efficiency and poor generalization ability; thus, they are unsuitable for the rapid and accurate extraction of coastal mudflats. This study proposes a Mudflat Index (MFI) based on hyperspectral images. MFI amplifies the difference in spectral characteristics between mudflats and other land cover types in intertidal environments, effectively improving the discrimination between coastal mudflats, salt marshes, mangroves, and muddy waters. Four typical coastal mudflat areas (i.e., the Yellow River Delta in Shandong, the Radial Sand Ridges of the South Yellow Sea in Jiangsu, Hangzhou Bay in Zhejiang, and the Qinzhou Bay-Nanliu River Estuary in Guangxi) based on ZY1-02D were selected as the study areas. The extraction accuracies in the four study areas are 97.60%, 96.88%, 97.16% and 96.97%, respectively. The further extraction experiments were calculated based on hyperspectral data from GF-5, PRISMA, and Hyperion. Sample datasets were produced using field surveys and Google Earth high-resolution imagery. Compared to the Hyperspectral Bare Soil Index (HBSI), Normalized Difference Bare Soil Index (NDBSI) and Microphytobenthos Index (MPBI), MFI demonstrates superior performance with average SDI value improvements of 0.82, 0.71 and 1.17, respectively, in distinguishing mudflats from other typical land cover types in the intertidal zone. The extraction results were also compared with those derived from Support Vector Machine (SVM) and Random Forest (RF) classifications, showing that MFI outperformed SVM and RF by an average of 1.52% and 0.58%. The results show that MFI can be applied to different hyperspectral remote sensing images and different areas of mudflat extraction. The MFI-based method is simple, fast and accurate at extracting the mudflat in the intertidal environment.