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Alternative Cancer Therapeutics: Unpatentable Compounds and Their Potential in Oncology
Pharmaceutics ( IF 4.9 ) Pub Date : 2024-09-23 , DOI: 10.3390/pharmaceutics16091237
Dmitriy Ovcharenko, Dmitry Mukhin, Galina Ovcharenko

Cancer remains a leading cause of death globally. Cancer patients often seek alternative therapies in addition to, or instead of, conventional treatments like chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery. The progress in medical advancements and early detection provides more treatment options; however, the development of cancer drugs requires a significant amount of time, demands substantial investments, and results in an overall low percent of regulatory approval. The complex relationship between patent protection and pharmaceutical innovation complicates cancer drug development and contributes to high mortality rates. Adjusting patent criteria for alternative cancer therapeutics could stimulate innovation, enhance treatment options, and ultimately improve outcomes for cancer patients. This article explores the potential of alternative cancer therapeutics, chemopreventive agents, natural products, off-patent drugs, generic unpatentable chemicals, and repurposed drugs in cancer treatment, emphasizing the mechanisms and therapeutic potential of these unconventional compounds as combinatorial cancer therapies. The biological pathways, therapeutic effects, and potential to enhance existing therapies are reviewed, demonstrating their cost-effective and accessible options as adjuvant cancer therapies.


