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Direct lenders in the U.S. middle market
Journal of Financial Economics ( IF 10.4 ) Pub Date : 2024-09-17 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jfineco.2024.103946
Tetiana Davydiuk, Tatyana Marchuk, Samuel Rosen

This paper studies the rise of direct lending using a comprehensive dataset of investments by business development companies (BDC). We exploit three exogenous shocks to credit supply, including new banking regulations and a major finance company collapse, to establish that BDC capital acts as a substitute for traditional financing. Using firm-level data, we further document that firms’ access to BDC funding stimulates their employment growth and patenting activity. Beyond credit provision, BDCs contribute to firm growth through managerial assistance.



本文使用商业发展公司 (BDC) 的综合投资数据集研究了直接贷款的兴起。我们利用信贷供应的三个外生冲击,包括新的银行法规和一家大型金融公司的倒闭,来确定 BDC 资本可以替代传统融资。使用公司层面的数据,我们进一步证明,公司获得 BDC 资金的机会刺激了他们的就业增长和专利申请活动。除了信贷提供外,BDC 还通过管理援助为公司发展做出贡献。