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Grappling with Whiteness: Latent Profiles of White Racial Consciousness and Affect’s Impact on Critical Reflection
Journal of Youth and Adolescence ( IF 3.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-09-21 , DOI: 10.1007/s10964-024-02085-5
Iván Carbajal, Aldo Barrita, Lianelys Cabrera Martinez

Understood from a critical consciousness framework, White racial identity development involves recognizing and combating White privilege and supremacy. The present study investigated the development of White American young adults’ racial identity through their racial consciousness and racial affect and their combined impact on critical reflection using a person-centered approach via Latent Profile Analysis (LPA). Participants were 716 White identifying participants (Mage = 21.00, SD = 6.20 years; 68% women) who ethnically identified as White (90%) or European American. Participants completed surveys about their White racial consciousness, affect, and critical reflection. The results gave a six-profile solution to understanding White racial identity that can be closely similar to the six statuses proposed by the model of White identity development. However, White racial consciousness is more complex than theorized. The six-profile solution contained insights into how White adults conceive of their Whiteness, both as a racial identity and emotionally. The most illuminating findings of the LPA are in the combinations of identity and affect. The results indicated that even though White individuals are high in racial consciousness, it does not necessarily mean they critically reflect on their privileged position. Further, there was no support for the influence of multiple marginalized identities in helping develop White racial consciousness.



从批判意识框架来看,白人种族身份的发展涉及承认和打击白人特权和至上。本研究通过潜在概况分析(LPA)以人为中心的方法,通过种族意识和种族影响及其对批判性反思的综合影响,调查了美国白人年轻人的种族认同的发展。参与者为 716 名白人参与者( M年龄= 21.00, SD = 6.20 岁;68% 为女性),他们在种族上被认定为白人 (90%) 或欧洲裔美国人。参与者完成了有关白人种族意识、情感和批判性反思的调查。结果给出了理解白人种族身份的六种解决方案,该解决方案与白人身份发展模型提出的六种状态非常相似。然而,白人的种族意识比理论上更复杂。这个包含六项内容的解决方案包含了对白人成年人如何看待自己的白人身份的见解,无论是作为种族身份还是在情感上。 LPA 最具启发性的发现在于身份和情感的结合。结果表明,尽管白人种族意识较高,但这并不一定意味着他们批判性地反思自己的特权地位。此外,没有人支持多重边缘化身份的影响力有助于发展白人种族意识。
