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Learning with visualizations helps: A meta-analysis of visualization interventions in mathematics education
Educational Research Review ( IF 9.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-09-12 , DOI: 10.1016/j.edurev.2024.100639
Johanna Schoenherr , Anselm R. Strohmaier , Stanislaw Schukajlow

Visualization has a long tradition in mathematics education and research on this topic has become more widespread in recent decades. In a meta-analysis (41 studies, N = 10,562), we aimed to synthesize the effects of learning with external visualizations on mathematics outcomes. We analyzed intervention, learner, and outcome characteristics as moderators. Overall, results of a random-effects model indicated a medium effect (g = 0.504, 95% CI [0.379, 0.630]) of visualization interventions on mathematics learning, with significant heterogeneity. Moderator analyses revealed that effect sizes were higher in quasi-experimental studies and when compared with business-as-usual conditions. These results emphasize the effectiveness of external visualization as a powerful tool to support mathematics learning, with positive and lasting effects across age groups and mathematical topics.



可视化在数学教育中有着悠久的传统,近几十年来,关于该主题的研究变得更加广泛。在一项荟萃分析(41 项研究,N = 10,562)中,我们旨在综合外部可视化学习对数学结果的影响。我们作为调节因素分析了干预、学习者和结局特征。总体而言,随机效应模型的结果表明,可视化干预对数学学习的影响为中等(g = 0.504, 95% CI [0.379, 0.630]),具有显著的异质性。调节器分析显示,在准实验研究中以及与正常条件相比,效应量更高。这些结果强调了外部可视化作为支持数学学习的强大工具的有效性,对年龄组和数学主题产生了积极而持久的影响。