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A microbial future
Cell ( IF 45.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-09-19 , DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2024.08.042
The Cell editorial team

Life as we know it began with microbes. Microbes sustain life on Earth, and every now and then, a microbe emerges that threatens the survival of an entire species. The dangers and benefits of microbial life are both enormous, as is their potential to help us live long, healthy, sustainable lives. Microbiology at Cell celebrates 50 years, and we’re proud to showcase the marvelous and yet mysterious microbial world in our anniversary focus issue.



我们所知道的生命始于微生物。微生物维持着地球上的生命,时不时就会出现威胁整个物种生存的微生物。微生物生命的危险和好处都是巨大的,它们帮助我们长寿、健康、可持续生活的潜力也同样巨大。 《Cell 微生物学》庆祝 50 周年,我们很自豪能够在周年纪念特刊中展示奇妙而神秘的微生物世界。