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Exploring RNA-guided DNA scissors in eukaryotes: Are Fanzors counterparts of CRISPR-Cas12s?
Cell ( IF 45.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-09-19 , DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2024.08.022
Satoshi N. Omura , Osamu Nureki

Fanzors are recently characterized RNA-guided DNA endonucleases found in eukaryotic organisms. In this issue of Cell, Xu, Saito et al. reveal the structural diversity of Fanzors and identify key features shared with TnpB and Cas12 proteins, providing a comprehensive perspective on their molecular function and evolution.


探索真核生物中 RNA 引导的 DNA 剪刀:Fanzors 是 CRISPR-Cas12 的对应物吗?

Fanzors 最近被鉴定为在真核生物中发现的 RNA 引导的 DNA 核酸内切酶。在本期《Cell》中,Xu、Saito 等人。揭示 Fanzors 的结构多样性并确定与 TnpB 和 Cas12 蛋白共有的关键特征,从而提供关于其分子功能和进化的全面视角。