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A prokaryotic Argonaute protein recruits a helicase-nuclease to degrade invading plasmids
Cell ( IF 45.5 ) Pub Date : 2024-09-19 , DOI: 10.1016/j.cell.2024.08.031
Dmitriy Ignatov , Vivekanandan Shanmuganathan , Emmanuelle Charpentier

DdmDE is a novel plasmid defense system that was discovered in the seventh pandemic Vibrio cholerae strain of the biotype O1 EI Tor. In this issue of Cell, Yang and coworkers reveal the mechanisms underlying the assembly and activation of the DdmDE defense system.


原核 Argonaute 蛋白招募解旋酶核酸酶来降解入侵的质粒

DdmDE 是一种新型质粒防御系统,是在生物型 O1 EI Tor 的第七种大流行霍乱弧菌菌株中发现的。在本期《Cell》中,Yang 及其同事揭示了 DdmDE 防御系统组装和激活的潜在机制。