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Finger counting training enhances addition performance in kindergarteners
Child Development ( IF 3.9 ) Pub Date : 2024-09-18 , DOI: 10.1111/cdev.14146
Céline Poletti 1 , Marie Krenger 1 , Marie Létang 2 , Brune Hennequin 2 , Catherine Thevenot 1

Our study on 328 five‐ to six‐year‐old kindergarteners (mainly White European living in France, 152 girls) shows that children who do not count on their fingers and undergo finger counting training exhibit drastic improvement in their addition skills from pre‐test to post‐test (i.e., accuracy from 37.3% to 77.1%) compared to a passive control group (39.6% to 47.8%) (p < .001, = .15). This result was replicated on a much smaller scale (37 five‐ to six‐year‐olds, mainly White European, 22 girls) but in more controlled setup and was further replicated with an active control group (84 five‐ to six‐year‐olds, mainly White European, 37 girls). Therefore, we demonstrate here for the first time that training finger counting constitutes a highly effective method to improve kindergarteners' arithmetic performance.



我们对 328 名 5 至 6 岁幼儿园儿童(主要是居住在法国的白人,152 名女孩)进行的研究表明,不会用手指数数并接受数手指训练的孩子在预测试中表现出加法技能的显着提高与被动对照组(39.6% 至 47.8%)相比,测试后的结果(即准确率从 37.3% 至 77.1%)(p < .001, = .15)。这一结果在较小的规模(37 名 5 至 6 岁儿童,主要是欧洲白人,22 名女孩)中得到了重复,但在更受控的设置中得到了进一步重复,并在主动对照组(84 名 5 至 6 岁儿童)中得到了进一步重复。老年人,主要是欧洲白人,37 名女孩)。因此,我们在这里首次证明训练手指计数是提高幼儿园儿童算术表现的高效方法。