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A sense of touch without skin
Nature Electronics ( IF 33.7 ) Pub Date : 2024-09-18 , DOI: 10.1038/s41928-024-01255-4
Katharina Zeissler

The researchers — who are based at the German Aerospace Center and Technical University of Munich — created a mechatronic design for sensing redundancy, where the number of sensor measurements exceeds the number of possible motions of the robotic arm, and combined it with a momentum-based monitoring method to provide the arm with an intrinsic sense of touch across its surface. Two force-torque sensors, one in the base and one in the wrist, and four torque sensors in the joints provide 16 measurements. The robot could recognize letters and digits traced directly on its structure, and the team also created virtual buttons that could be placed at different locations across the arm and assigned different functions.

Original reference: Sci. Robot. 9, eadn4008 (2024)



来自德国航空航天中心和慕尼黑工业大学的研究人员创建了一种用于传感冗余的机电一体化设计,其中传感器测量的数量超过了机械臂可能运动的数量,并将其与基于动量的监测方法为手臂提供跨其表面的内在触觉。两个力-扭矩传感器(一个位于底座,一个位于手腕)以及关节中的四个扭矩传感器可提供 16 种测量值。该机器人可以识别直接追踪在其结构上的字母和数字,该团队还创建了虚拟按钮,可以将其放置在手臂的不同位置并分配不同的功能。

原文参考: Sci.机器人9 、eadn4008(2024)
