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Blaming the victim
Philosophical Issues ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2024-09-17 , DOI: 10.1111/phis.12281
Paulina Sliwa 1

Feminists critique acts and practices as victim‐blaming. Victim‐blaming is a moral phenomenon: to call a communicative act victim blaming is to criticise it. It is also a political phenomenon. As feminists point out, it plays a important role in perpetuating oppression. But what makes a communicative act an act of victim‐blaming? I propose that victim‐blaming communicative acts attribute responsibility to the victim for the wrong in contexts in which such attributions are morally improper. Attributions of responsibility can be morally imporoper in virtue of what they make salient in a conversation. Making salient the victim's conduct and backgrounding the conduct of the perpetrator can run afoul of the duties we have to the victim: including the duty to listen to the victim, to support her, and to hold the perpetrator responsible.


